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数量超过 100 万

覆盖 200 多种类别

日活2 亿的用户使用量……


微信小程序不仅是一场微信在中国的创新实践,也已经成为了全球移动互联网中的创新范本。去年中国出境游客人次接近 1.5 亿,且还在逐年快速增长,其中欧美已经成为了中国出境游客最大的旅游目的地。欧美地区的本地微信用户也在飞速增长,他们和我们一样,期待在欧美地区用到本地化、智能化的小程序,使生活更加便利。





 微信官方沟通 与微信官方团队面对面交流、沟通的机会;了解最新的微信海外动态、行业洞察、技术接口和服务商支持计划;

● 技术交流成长 与欧美的微信开发者一起通过技术比赛相互学习,获得微信专家的建议,并建立与彼此的联系;

● 真实商业机会 这次大赛的出题方合作伙伴总部横跨欧美两大陆的五个国家,其业务范围超过100多个国家和地区,包揽餐饮酒庄、奢侈品消费、文化旅游博物馆、奥特莱斯折扣店、交通出行和海上游轮度假等各个旅游出行领域。通过微信搭建的平台,参赛团队将向波塞特酒庄集团(美国和法国)、路易·威登集团(法国)、荷兰国家博物馆(荷兰)、西蒙地产(美国)、Sixt租车(德国)、维京游轮(瑞士)等欧美商业和旅游巨头(排名不分先后)展示微信小程序解决方案和技术实力,了解真实商业需求和发掘潜在合作机会;


● 赛事奖金激励 本次赛事将会评选出前六名获奖者,其中第一名将会获得 10,000 美元奖金,二、三名将获得5,000美元奖金,四到六名将获得 3,000 美元奖金。同时,公众票选冠军也有 2,000 美元的奖金。总计34,000美金的奖池正在翘首以待!

● TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin盛会入场券 前30名团队将受邀到WDC柏林现场。这次,WDC与全球最大的科技媒体TechCrunch一同欢迎微信开发者们与全球的顶尖科技创新企业来到Disrupt柏林现场。

● 亮相全球盛会舞台 WDC柏林站活动第一天被评选出来的前3名优胜者将受邀登上TechCrunch ExtraCrunch舞台,向全世界展示其优胜作品。











● 即日起至 10 月 21 日:报名阶段

● 10 月 10 日-- 11月15 日:在线开发阶段

● 11月15 日—11月18日:优秀作品30名入围参赛团队选拔

● 12月11日-- 12月12日:WeChat Developer Challenge(WDC)柏林站现场大会微信官方宣讲、服务商交流、小程序成果比赛评选阶段

● 赛事举办地点:柏林体育场(Arena Berlin)德国柏林

另外,关于小程序开发的免费版海外课程也已经在Udacity 上线,参赛者可以通过登陆 https://www.udacity.com/course/wechat-Mini Programs--ud667 ,学习更多小程序开发的知识。

扫描下方小程序码报名参赛,微信团队,六大赛事合作伙伴和 11 亿微信用户等着你!




WeChat and TechCrunch welcome developers to the WeChat Developer Challenge at Disrupt Berlin

WeChat Developer Challenge (WDC)

in Berlin is now open for registration

The number of Chinese outbound tourists has reached nearly 150 million annually and is growing rapidly year by year, and their contribution to the global economy is too. In fact, nearly 33% of the global luxury spend in 2019 will come from the Chinese traveler. Where are they going? Western countries are the most popular destinations, and for them, the most foreign. It is WeChat’s goal to support the Chinese traveler and to make their interactions easier in every place they land.

For the last 2 years, the WeChat innovation known as Mini Programs has delivered over a million Mini Programs spanning over 200 categories. Mini Programs are lightweight pieces of code that connect any business into WeChat allowing it’s full business operation. The average user spends 4 hours a day in WeChat, so when the Chinese traveler can find a business there, it is easy to work with that business. With more than 200 million daily users, these Mini Programs have created a comprehensive ecosystem unlike any other.

It is WeChat’s goal to localize Mini Programs in Europe and North America to create better interactions for businesses and Chinese travelers. To this end WeChat is announcing the WeChat Developer Challenge presented By TechCrunch at Disrupt Berlin!

The WeChat Developer Challenge will bring six business partner challenges to over a hundred teams comprised of startups, ISVs, code houses and other entities eager to work with these businesses in driving new customers and new revenue.

Beginning in October, the Challenge will nominate accepted teams who will begin coding, working to reach the top 30 teams for travel to TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin, the chance to show at the legendary Disrupt conference and more!


Why you should join us

● Work together, real-time, with WeChat: Work directly with the WeChat product team, get to know the latest international  trends, get industry insights, learn our APIs, and participate in our service provider support plan.

● Technical Exchange: Learn tips and tricks from WeChat and other challenge teams to make your code the best in the business and increase your market reach. , Receive direct advice from WeChat experts on how to make your Mini Programs the most effective, scalable and repeatable.

● Business Opportunity: Show your solutions and technologies to prestigious global brands, like Boisset Collection (France and US), LVMH (Paris, France), RijksMuseum (Amsterdam, Netherland), Simon Property Group (US), Sixt (Munich, Germany) and Viking Cruises (Basel, Switzerland), and develop revenue generating relationships on site!


● Awards! The top six winners will be chosen, with $10,000 for the top team, $5,000 for the rest in the top three, and $3,000 for the rest in the top six. The winner of the public vote will receive an award of $2,000.

● Disrupt Berlin Tickets: All Top 30 teams will be given free access to TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin and the opportunity to showcase their solutions with top startups to investors from all over the world.

● Extra Crunch Stage Presentation: Top 3 teams will be given the opportunity to present at the ExtraCrunch Stage to showcase their solutions to the world.


Who can join?

Startups, Independent System Vendors (ISV’s), registered entities, and professional development companies in Europe and North America.

Note: Mini Programs and the WeChat Developer Challenge are a B2B opportunity and as such are not open for individual developers.


About the event

Partners of the event include prestigious global brands, and organizations (in alphabetical order) like Boisset Collection (France and US), LVMH (Paris, France), RijksMuseum (Amsterdam, Netherland), Simon Property Group (US), Sixt (Munich, Germany) and Viking Cruises (Basel, Switzerland).


Join now and show us your code! Win awards and create new and productive relationships!



Through October 21th: Registration

October 10th to November 15th:Online development phase

November 15th to November 18th: Selection of the top 30 finalists to present onsite

December 11th to December 12th: WeChat presentation, business partners’ presentation, and final selection

Venue: Arena Berlin, Berlin Germany

If you would like to learn more about mini-program development, go to Udacity for some free courses and tips on how to get started with the challenge! 


Scan the mini program code to register!


For details, please visit:


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